Of about 120 globular clusters surrounding our Milky Way Galaxy, M15 has one of the densest centers. The crowd fascinates researchers. |
After seeing the glow of the half million stars of M3, Charles Messier started cataloging non-stellar objects. The M stands for Messier. |
In 1714, Edmund Halley discovered M13. He wrote, "It shows itself to the
naked eye when the sky is serene and the Moon absent." |
The Hubble Space Telescope recently spied on M31 in our neighbor galaxy, Andromeda. About 300,000 stars make up the globualar cluster. |
Our closest neighboring globular cluster, M4, is made of more than 100,000 stars. The circles surround "stellar corpses," or white dwarfs. |
Globular cluster M92 is about 26,000 light years away from Earth, just a bit farther
than its brighter neighbor, M13, in the constellation Hercules. |